Steung Treng Province: National and World Environment Day 5 June 2023 hosted under the theme…

Product Awareness Training Course gave employees valuable experiences
Mee Chiet and Vital Premium Water conducted a training course on Product Awareness on 25th April 2020 at Garden City Hotel, attended by approximately 100 employees of Sales, Marketing, and Public Affairs and Communications.
The training aims to provide the critical comprehensions to the employees on the product awareness to improve the quality of sales, marketing and communication.
Along with presentation of the product experts, numerous real-life examples were offered by the experts, allowing the participants to clearly understand the value of the lessons – production procedure, products’ quality assurance, and strategies of sales. At the end of every session, participating employees were also given the chance to ask questions regarding the topics.
Lau Vann, Managing Director of ONE MORE MANUFACTURING CO., LTD, made a remarks that “this training course offers an amazing opportunity for employees to discover what Product Awareness really is,” adding that “I appreciated how the experts tried to convey the knowledge and images to us that will definitely be useful for us in our work”.
He further thanked every staff for joining this training attentively and actively “Everyone is working hard to ensure a quality that will drive the mission to success, and please take care of yourself well, stay safe and healthy”.
Moreover, to ensure self-protection during COVID-19, the safety practices were implemented such as sitting arrangement (5 people per 1 round table), frequently clean your hand with soap or with hand sanitizer provided and social distancing application with always wearing face mask.