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Vital and Mee Chiet Celebrate Family Reunion with One More Limited

One More Limited, the parent company of Vital Premium Water and Mee Chiet instant noodles, organized a family reunion of its subsidiaries on January 24 and 25, 2022 to celebrate the New Year 2022.

Lok Chumteav Cheung Sokuntheavy, Executive Director of the company, said, “In the past year, all of you have encountered and overcome many obstacles in doing your job better in each area. In the closure and implementation of the fight against Covid 19, all members of the company have worked hard to carry on duties diligently. This is a calm and appreciative spirit that you have sacrificed and pushed all the production and services of the company to do well.”

She continued, “For the new year, I am pleased to see that you have taken care of a good annual action plan to suit the progress of the market and society. And I am confident that all of you will be able to implement those plans more effectively with the implementation of your work to ensure the company’s development and momentum.”

The event lasted for two days, the first day was celebrated at the company’s headquarters and the second day was held at the Vital Premium Water Factory with more than 1,000 employees.

Subsidiaries of One More Limited include NVC Corporation (Vital Premium Water Company), One More Management (Mee Chiet instant noodles), One Fraternity, One More Restaurant and Cambodian Pharmaceutical Enterprise.


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