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Vital organized photo contest to celebrate on special holiday

On Special occasion, Vital announcement Photo Contest “Vital at 25 provinces” To celebrate special holiday for Cambodian People.


Photo contest with simple conditions:

  1. participation with the theme “Vital at 25 Provinces”
  2. Take photos of any style, anywhere, as long as you are with Vital
  3. Facebook account must be public by writing “Photo contest with Vital at location” and vitalat25
  4. Tag at least 5 friends, then Screenshot to Vital inbox page.
  5. The photo that receives the most Likes, Reactions with the conditions will be selected to the final round.

Deadline: Start the competition from 17 – 25 August 2020 and announce the results of the first qualifying round on 27 August 2020

For more details, please visit Page Vital or call 061 438 333!

*** Vital reserves the right to make changes without any prior notice.

Be noted that the Top 3 winners will receive prizes such as:

No. 1 $ 300

No. 2 $ 200

No. 3 $ 100

As well as included food vouchers from one More Restaurant, Vital Drinking Water and more!

Don’t forget to join the photo contest with Vital together!

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