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Vital celebrating Pchum Ben with 100 elders in Romeas Hek district


Vital Premium Water organized a religious event for elders on the occasion of Pchum Ben at Wat Romeas Hek, Romeas Hek District, Svay Rieng Province on September 15, 2020.

This event was organized on purpose of building good deeds and fulfilling the wishes of the elderly people who are poor and helpless, so that they can take turns making offerings to the pagodas for their ancestors.

Lok Chumteav Choeung Sokuntheavy, Executive Director of Vital Drinking Water, expressed that to ease up the worries and difficulties of the elders, Vital team prepared offerings and other items to the monks in the pagoda. She hoped that this act would be fulfilling their wishes as they can pray to help their ancestors pass on to a better life.

Vital’s today participation is a wonderful kindness given to the elders in Romeas Hek district. This is what the commune chief of Ampil said in the event remark. He hoped that this activity would encourage more participation from private companies in taking care of the elderly people.

LCT. Choeung Sokuntheavy confirmed that the budget for organizing this event is from the 25Riel Foundation of Vital. Every purchase of a bottle of Vital Premium Water means that you have donated 25 Riels to the foundation and Vital will use those funds for social and charitable activities.

The event was held with about 100 elders in Romeas Hek district, Svay Rieng province, with the participation of Executive Director of Vital Drinking Water, Vital staff at all levels, Romeas Hek district governor, district officials and youth volunteers.

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