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Vital planting 1,000 mangrove trees for the second time in Prek Tnaot Community, Kampot

Vital Premium Water brought about 20 employees together with Prek Tnaot fishing community and support of Kampot Provincial Department of Environment, to organized a campaign to plant 1,000 mangrove trees in the protected area of ​​Prek Tnaot fishing community in Kampot this morning. July 23, 2021.

This is the second time that Vital Premium Water has organized mangrove planting campaign in Kampot province, in order to encourage the participation of the public, especially private sectors, to participate in the maintenance and protection of mangrove forests, which are important habitats for biodiversity and important resource that balances ecosystems and the environment. In addition, we aim to celebrate International Mangrove Conservation Day, which annually takes place on July 26, 2020.

Chunhieng Thavaseth, Head of Marketing of Vital Premium Water, said that mangrove forest not only provides significant environmental and economic benefits to the fishermen living in the surrounding area, but also acts as a natural shield and also provides shelter for various fishery resources, and attracts tourists as well.

“Today mangroves planting demonstrates the spirit of humanity to promote the environment and create a wonderful memory of humanity’s commitment to the environment,” he said.

Doa Soth, Director Representative of Kampot Provincial Department of Environment said that today mangroves planting is an important contribution from private sector to conserve mangrove forests and jointly preserve the environment. He believed that that this activity will encourage and mobilize the contribution of the general public to continue conserving mangrove forests in order to support the Prek Tnaot fishing community that is in need of our help.

He also mentioned that Vital Drinking Water has always participated in many social and charitable activities, such as tree planting, giving donation, sponsoring events and organizing many other events for society.

Vital Premium Water has always participated in many social and charitable activities, such as planting trees, giving charitable gifts, sponsoring and organizing many other events for society.

Vital is a local company that has received strong support from Cambodian people for its social work for more than 10 years. The company also called on the public, young people and private sectors to understand the benefits of mangrove trees and continue planting more for the sake of community and the environment as a whole.

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